Environment representation in the form of an ontology and object maps

In the proposed representation, it is supposed that each object is of some predefined type. Object is determined by a collection of attributes, and optionally its internal hierarchical structure consisting of sub-objects and relations between these sub-objects. The objects that do not have internal structure are called elementary objects, and their types are called elementary types. Object of type WALL may serve as an example of elementary object. It is determined by the attributes: width, height and color. The type ROOM may be example of a complex type; its internal structure is composed of elementary types such as walls, floor, ceiling, windows and doors, as well as the relations between these objects. A particular object (as an instance of a type) is defined by specifying concrete values of its attributes, and (if it is of complex type) also by specifying its sub-objects. Instance of the representation (called also model or a map of the environment) is defined as a specification of an object of a complex type.

An ontology for indoor environments was defined. It consists of types of objects commonly occurring in that kind of environments. The defined ontology is used by algorithms for map updating and its refinement as a priori knowledge. Based on the definitions of types, restrictions specified for possible values of their attributes and data form perception module, objects in the device surrounding can be classified or recognized. The classified objects can be added to an existing object map of the environment. The recognized objects can be used in order to determinate or verify the location of the robot

The Autero multi-robot system

Autero was designed according to the SOA paradigm. The system components communicate in accordance with specified protocols and are as follows:

A Simulation environment

The simulation environment is developed in Unity3D. It serves as a platform for testing and validating proposed specifications of the environment representation (ontology), the architecture of a multi-robot system at the level of IT, and learning algorithms. It allows for implementation of more complex scenarios involving multiple services (devices).